Llamado a repudiar el ataque clasista del Sr. Jeffrey Beall a Scielo

Motion to Repudiate Mr. Jeffrey Beall’s Classist Attack on Scielo. By the Brazilian Forum of Public Health Journals Editors and the Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva (Abrasco, Brazilian Public Health Association)

«Jeffrey Beall, an American librarian who gained notoriety publishing a list of open access publishers and journals considered as “predatory” by him, posted in his blog an unbelievably mistaken and prejudiced article, beginning with its title, “Is SciELO a Publication Favela?”


One paragraph in particular demonstrates the prejudices, classism, imperialism and crass commercialism present in the tone of Mr. Beall’s diatribe: “Thus, commercial publisher platforms are nice neighborhoods for scholarly publications. On the other hand, some open-access platforms are more like publication favelas.”


Contrary to the classist disgust that favelas elicit from Mr. Beall, we would like to reiterate that they are a kind of neighborhood where a sizable portion of the Brazilian population, which uses the nation’s healthcare system and is ultimately the source of funding for the Brazilian science itself, resides. Discrimination and prejudice against these Brazilian citizens is inadmissible. If the only alternatives for scientific publishing are either inhabiting the gated communities of the 1% of the world population which concentrates wealth at the cost of exploiting the other 99%, or being with the people in a favela, long live the favela.»

Motion to repudiate Mr. Jeffrey Beall’s classist attack on SciELO. SciELO in Perspective. [junio 6, 2015]. Recuperado de: http://blog.scielo.org/en/2015/08/02/motion-to-repudiate-mr-jeffrey-bealls-classist-attack-on-scielo/

Por Ketty Rodríguez,

Ketty Rodríguez

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